KAY'S Club
- Sponsor: Darcie Lowry
- Number of members: 120
- Membership Requirements (if any): No special requirements
- Purpose of Organization/Cub: KAY Club is a member of the Kansas Association for Youth, a leadership and service club that is unique to Kansas.
- Member fees (if any): Membership fee in 2016-17 is $5.
- Current Activities: KAY Club conducts numerous service activities, such as Senior Homecoming Dance for senior citizens, Deck the Halls food drive, Red Cross blood drives, Rake n Run, and Trick or Treat for UNICEF.
- Meeting days/ location: Monthly meetings are in the lecture hall during En-Cor on the first Tuesday of each month.
- Other Information: Members of KAY have the opportunity to attend KAY Leadership Camp. It is a one-week camp in July at Rock Springs 4H camp.