• SchoolCenter PictureNational Honor Society (NHS)

    Sponsor: Mark Bradshaw

    Number of Members: Over the course of the school year, NHS membership varies from about 75 to 150 active juniors and seniors. New members are inducted each year in December.

    Membership Requirements: The Maize South High School chapter of the NHS requires a cumulative 3.75 grade-point average (GPA); regular, documented community-service hours; and committed participation in multiple school groups. Juniors and seniors who meet the GPA requirement receive an invitation in the fall semester following Term 1 grade reports.

    Full membership details are available here: MSHS NHS Bylaws  

    Purpose of Organization: The National Honor Society is the first nation-wide organization of its kind. Founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), it honors and encourages students who excel in the four pillars of the NHS: service, leadership, character, and scholarship. Our chapter aims to elevate these ideals at Maize South, to give rising students a positive peer group during their high-school experience, and to prepare them to apply competitively for college scholarships and admissions.

    Current Activities: As a group, NHS members support peer tutoring programs, American Red Cross blood drives, voter registration, and driver safety. Additionally, individual members volunteer with dozens of community groups and local events, including the Maize Education Foundation. If you are seeking volunteers for a local event, please reach out to us.